Wokeism — Conniving for Destruction of Christianity

Aiding and Abetting the CANCEL CULTURE

Practicing a “Go Along to Get Along with Wokeism” personal paradigm in America today is consequently aiding and abetting the CANCEL CULTURE to survive and grow. Christianity wains and morality shrinks as hypocrisy grows. Such wreckless personal practice by a “self-styled as devout” Catholic is a pathway to eventual self-branding as an atheist. This personal squeezing out of the Holy Spirit is necessary for the complete hypocrisy of Wokeism to function, succeed, and grow. In addition, this hypocrisy-centered personal paradigm converts a “self-styled as devout” Catholic into a perverted Catholic that the faithful need to completely disavow.

An Immoral Slippery Slope Begins

Splitting of one’s words and actions—believe one thing and do another—causes personal pain that cannot be avoided. In fact, those who split their words and actions suffer self-generated personal pain every time they encounter a faithful believer in God’s teachings refusing to abandon being a temple of God when gravely immoral issues surface. In addition, this is usually the beginning of the personal practice of hypocrisy in that the splitter of personal conscience will go to great intellectual lengths—that lack the truth of God’s Commandments and Biblical teachings—to displace the pain generation onto the faithful believer he or she is interacting with at the time. Hypocrisy surfaces.

Giving Up and Selling Out

A Split-Conscience practiced enough slips into a Branded/Seared conscience which locks out the Holy Spirit and leads to atheism which today includes Wokeism, a corrupt religiosity. To join with and be embraced by Wokeism one must give up/sell out all of his or her personal beliefs that do not align with this false and corrupt belief system. Once a branded/seared conscience finds a home in a person, hypocrisy becomes the new and abundant energy that fuels the grab for power, control, and connected money all of which is jump-started by envy, lies, and slander. Enter the CANCEL CULTURE of Wokeism.

Here we find an inner structure of negation, of the uprooting of God
from people’s hearts and the forsaking of God by human society…
putting the human being in the place of God, thus ‘deifying’ humanity.
— Agenda For The Third Millennium

Saint Pope John Paul II
Rejecting The Truth, Pg. 9

Saint Paul backs up Saint Pope John Paul II as he describes in his writings to Timothy to ensure that he understands the substantial challenges of False Asceticism that he is up against with his active ministry:

Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the last times some will turn away
from the faith by paying attention to deceitful spirits and demonic
instructions through the hypocrisy of liars with branded consciences.
— 1 Timothy 4; 1-2

Lying is Essential to Feed the Sin of Hypocrisy

Power and control of others feed the sin of hypocrisy where lying is essential. Hypocrisy carries out slander connected to envy and is justified by a branded/seared conscience because the Holy Spirit is denied. All of which is foreign to the faithful: what not ever to do.  Since “pious” hypocrisy is obviously a ludicrous notion to the Christian faiths, evil hypocrisy itself is the essential energy for Wokeism to thrive and grow.

Hypocrisy Must Be Defeated

Since hypocrisy must grow to continue to be the key energy for the further growth of Wokeism and its CANCEL CULTURE, how is hypocrisy defeated since all faithful know it must be rejected and cast out?

The Answer Is From And With God

Remaining a temple of God by condemning—with both words and actions integrated—all gravely immoral issues like abortion and child abuse (including homosexuality and transgenderism), practicing people of faith refuse to turn their faith into atheism. With the help of the promptings of the Holy Spirit, they pursue and follow His Commandments and Biblical teachings.This faith in action naturally and automatically rejects and forecloses a “Go Along to Get Along with Wokeism” personal paradigm, centered in hypocrisy, that is one of continuous moral decay.

Of The First Order, Life Is Primordial
Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.
Master of Theological Studies
Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
Catholic University of America

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