The Author

Anthony received his Masters of Theological Studies Degree, Cum Laude, from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome/ the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America. He also successfully completed 30 credit hours of night school graduate business studies at the George Washington University. With over 40 years of experience helping lives at sea and on land, Anthony continues to chart a bold course. Driven by the power of The Holy Spirit, Anthony’s recent calling is to work tirelessly to help Catholics and all Christians in all walks of life
Anthony provides the vision, strategic direction, and leadership that drives success for all those he is affiliated with.
Military Service
Driven by his heritage, Anthony looked to the sea as a young man, proudly serving six years of active duty – with four years of saving lives and property at sea including a command – after graduating from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
Legislative Victories in Pro-Life Movement
On the front lines of five legislative victories in Maryland’s Pro-Life Movement after only seven months in charge of the non-profit, grassroots, advocacy organization, Pro-Life Maryland, Inc. There had been no legislative victories recorded in Maryland’s Pro-Life Movement since the 1992 referendum defeat.
Speaking Engagements in Washington DC and Annapolis

Above all, as a 4th Degree Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Anthony’s speaking engagements include St. Thomas More Lecture Series, the Knights of Columbus/Catholic Information Center, Theology on Tap, and Adult Faith Enrichment classes at St. Mary’s Parish in Annapolis. Anthony was also honored as a Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) main platform speaker.
Topics include Father & Son: The Trinitarian Relationship in the Flesh; Confrontation to Communion: Conversion for Innocent Human Life; Marriage & God’s Plan of Generations: The Salvation Opportunity, Communion Inside Gift of Self; Human Sexuality & Parenting, Sexuality/Unitive & Procreative; Conscience & Communion: Linking the Heart with Action.
Now, together with Father Frank Pavone, Priests for Life, and Jack Ames, Defend Life, Anthony’s release of Conscience Warriors, Unite with The Holy Spirit in Truth, will equip Catholics and all Christians with the strategies and insights to combat and defeat the indoctrination, grooming, and coupled with gas lighting taking place in our schools and communities. Equally important, it’s not just happening in public schools, but in private, Christian, and Catholic schools all across the globe.
Current Endorsements & Testimonials for Conscience Warriors
Our enemies today rebel against God’s truth – denying that a man is a man, a woman is a woman, and a baby is a baby. They likewise rebel against freedom, seeking to force our conscience to bow to their tyranny. Anthony Souza has issued the trumpet call we all need in Conscience Warriors. To be true to God and to ourselves, we must, in conscience, speak the truth and act in freedom, no matter what the cost.
— Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
President, National Pro-life Religious Council
…Most of all, thanks for your constant vigorous and courageous defense of those truths and values that stand at the heart of the Gospel and human civilization.
— Dr. David Schindler, Dean Emeritus
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage & Family
More Endorsements & Testimonials
Conscience Warriors—Unite with The Holy Spirit in Truth™
“Thank you, Anthony, for undertaking the important work of unfolding the implications of the triunity of God for the moral life of man. I’m in deep accord with your fundamental intuition: Just as the divine persons are inseparable and coinherent, man is called to a coinherence of words and actions, faith and life. This coinherence–and the unity and integrity of conscience it enables–-is crucial to the fulfillment of man’s vocation to participate in the intra-trinitarian life.”
—Dr. Adrian Walker, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Dogmatics, St. Patrick’s Seminary
Additional Endorsements & Testimonials
Conscience Warriors—Unite with The Holy Spirit in Truth™
I learned much from this compelling book on the serious threats Western Culture and the Catholic Church are facing which are threatening their very survival. Souza talks about how the Nuclear Family is under constant attack from false ideologies such as Transgenderism and Radical Feminism. But all is not gloom as he tells us how we can take back Our Faith, Our Families, Our Churches, Our Schools, Our Republic and Our World.
I especially liked his audio book version of Conscience Warriors which was professionally recorded and enabled me to listen to this thought-provoking book while driving.
— Jack Ames, P.E., Founder DEFEND LIFE
Contemporary Western culture understands freedom simply as the ability to act on one’s own initiative, detached from any underlying ground or orienting purpose. As Mr. Souza sees, what is needed is a return to a traditional understanding of conscience, which is nothing other than the voice of Christ—every person’s true Ground and Goal—present in our soul, enabling us to fulfill our supernatural destiny and thus be truly free. This book is a timely reminder that the Truth of Christ and the Freedom of Man are one.
—Michael Presberg, Ph.D. Candidate
JPII Institute for Studies on Marriage & Family
In his timely and provocative book, Anthony Souza identifies the most critical issue of our time, the collapse of conscience. Souza urgently calls on all Catholics Christians to become Conscience Warriors and to refocus on the Gospel mandate to repent, turn away from sin, and follow Jesus. This book will save souls!
—Francis D. Dezelski, M.T.S.
Endorsements & Testimonials
Conscience Warriors—Unite with The Holy Spirit in Truth™
Morality and personal faith are under tremendous and constant assault. Counter culturalism, new age thinking, wokeism, radical feminism, and simple relaxed moral thinking are among the many threats to traditional moral & religious values. The pressure placed on young and old alike is constant and unyielding. Left unchecked, it is easy to see how a person’s personal values and religious convictions can be gradually and insidiously degraded by a “Go Along to Get Along” group mentality.
This is why I found Conscience Warriors an important book for our times.The author, Anthony Souza, identifies the threats and challenges confronted by people of all faiths and conscience.He exposes the ploys and false premises being extolled as “today thinking” and offers faith-based solutions and counter strategies to defeat them.I found Anthony’s book an timely and meaningful read and heartily recommend it to others.
— John Paraschak, Past Grand Knight, KofC Council #1384
This book offers a powerful reflection of what happens when we chose to remain silent about issues that our conscience reveals are evil. Souza identifies how a “split-conscience” allows good people to agree they would not choose to do something that is evil, but at the same time they allow others the opportunity to act in evil ways. Clearly this indicates a lack of love for God and our neighbor. We are called to be “Conscience Warriors” in this world. Souza points out the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit has been given to everyone. It is our Christian duty to help spread the Light of God’s Truth to those who lack understanding and this book helps us identify some areas that need illumination. —Tom & Laura Jones
You probed to the unseen inner core of our identity. You have worked with us as friends and colleagues, grasping the fact that we are trying to serve the public in a unique way, and that meant you entered into the spirit of our service so you could serve us. Our experience of your service to us has been that of having a real promoter, champion, advocate, and enthusiast walk with us.
— James W. Skillen, President, The Center for Public Justice
Our center has seen a marked difference utilizing his (Anthony Souza’s) directions… Tony perceives the hearts of the public sector and knows how to reach them. His insights are right on target and he has a knack of turning negatives into positives. The relationship and guidance he provides to me personally are important. His leadership with the other volunteers on the Board is very effective. What would we do without him! I’m happy to have him in our organization and also as a good friend.
— Patricia Evans, Executive Director, Birthright of Annapolis & Glen Burnie
The sheer creative genius the Souzas brought to the table in the areas of strategic planning, marketing, and artistic design has carried us to a new level of excellence, both within and outside of our organization. Without a doubt, we made the right decision in turning to The Souza Agency for comprehensive, integrated solutions to our organizational challenges.
— Paul S. Mulligan, Executive Director, The Gabriel Project, Inc.
Almost two years ago (1995) my son, Kevin, was murdered in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. In response to Kevin’s tragic death, Anthony Souza initiated the formation of the Kevin E. Reichardt Foundation. Anthony stated that he had two reasons for starting the foundation. He wanted to try to develop something positive in memory of Kevin and keep his spirit alive. He was also attempting to give his son, Dominic—one of Kevin’s best friends—a constructive way to help him with the grieving process. These inspirational ideas, and personal goals, demonstrate the venerable qualities embodied in the character of Anthony Souza.
Anthony was the initial impetus for the foundation. He, and his family, have also been the driving force. Their company…has single handily developed, designed, and produced the foundation newsletter. They also initiated and designed several promotional items for the foundation, including the Great Spirit lacrosse stick and the foundation portfolio. All of this hard work has been done pro bono.
Anthony Souza is one of the most tenacious, honorable individuals I know. He and his family business…would be a tremendous asset to anyone. I recommend him with the utmost confidence. —Karl A. Reichardt, DVM
Given these endorsements and so much more, Anthony’s passion for excellence and innovation shape all of his work. His ability to identify and solve core issues in many fields of expertise — to get to the “heart of the matter”— will help Catholics and all Christians combine their words with their actions.
If you wish to have Anthony R. Souza speak at an event, please contact him at