Conscience Warriors Follow Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus

Calling Catholics and All Christians to be Conscience Warriors

Widespread Damage to Human Consciences

Given America’s severe moral challenges today with the persistent, deep lies and hypocrisy of the money changers—that are supported and promoted aggressively by powerful people and organizations—the downward “milestones” of the resultant and gravely Immoral Slippery Slope have helped establish a tenacious, nasty grip and a misguided influence on America and its Faith culture. Unfortunately, this immoral grip and evil influence have caused widespread damage to human consciences of those individuals who have a “Go Along to Get Along” personal paradigm.

Saint Pope John Paul II’s AGENDA FOR THE THIRD MILLENNIUM, published in 1996, provides profound insight into today’s challenges with its 10 chapters on Faith, The Church, Prayer, Love, History, Evil, Work, The World, Peace, and Religions. The FAITH and EVIL chapters directly address and warn against the new millennium’s Culture of Death.

Guided by Saint Pope John Paul II’s Work

Saint Pope John Paul II’s work as Pope addresses the resultant misleading and brainwashing of many of the Christian Faith. Life is Primordial concentrates on the human conscience which Jesus Christ connected to all of us individually when He sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to help all humankind, person by person. It seems that our society is extremely reluctant to publicly discuss human conscience; however, it is much needed now.

The purpose of this outreach is to focus on the truth that many of the “self-styled” “Go Along to Get Along” Catholics/Christians controlling our governments today in the United States of America are leading us and our families, including our young children, towards Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit — an unforgivable sin.

So, what do these individuals do as a critical part of misleading the Faithful? They engage Split-Conscience™—which interferes immorally with the promptings of the Holy Spirit—with the personal splitting of words and actions while aiding and abetting a paradigm of “Go Along to Get Along”, which then can lead to seared and branded consciences. Love alone—without also keeping all of God’s commandments—cannot eradicate the personal pain of splitting one’s conscience by words and actions and blocking the Holy Spirit.*

Critical Pathway to Saving Our Souls, Our Faith, and Our Great Nation

This current pandemic of the soul makes clear that faithfully addressing personal conscience is now a critical pathway to saving our souls, our Faith, and our great nation.  As Saint Pope John Paul II has written in his 1986 encyclical Dominum et Vivificantem:

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, then, is the sin committed by the person who claims to have a “right” to
persist in evil—in any sin at all—and who thus rejects Redemption. A radical refusal to be converted.
If Jesus says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven
either in this life or in the next, it is because this “non-forgiveness” is linked,
as to its cause, to
“non-repentance,” in other words to the radical refusal to be converted.

Convert and Repent

It is further necessary that Wokeism—with all of its evil tools of societal division including Cancel Culture and Critical Race & Gender Theories—be defeated concerning its gravely immoral actions and evil influence to destroy Christianity. To accomplish this everlasting defeat, personal acts must first be to convert and repent in order to extinguish branded/seared and split consciences that destroy precious souls. We must constantly listen to the Promptings of the Holy Spirit and authentically honor, cherish, and faithfully practice God’s commandments which condemn these horrific acts against a Culture of Life.

We must Rise Up to Reverse this Immoral Slippery Slope including eradicating all forms of child abuse which begins with disregarding personal conscience messages that do not include the Holy Spirit. Instead, we must fully embrace the divine power of the Holy Spirit and help restore Room in the Womb for all of God’s children. This sacred Room in the Womb, which is the faithful beginning of God’s Plan of Generations, is inclusive of God, man, and woman. This sacred fullness helps drive out atheism and satanism, and reverse the Immoral Slippery Slope.

In his writings, Saint Pope John Paul II reminds us when Jesus puts out the call for his first disciples:

Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.
— Luke 5:4
Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.
— Luke 5:10

World history has proven, many times over, the need for specialized warriors. The sacred work of Saint Pope John Paul II points to the current and acute need for corrective warriors. Therefore, Life is Primordial™ hereby announces the creation of:

Conscience Warriors
Unite with the Holy Spirit in Truth**

Do Not Be Afraid. Be Adamant. Speak out and champion the truths of our Christian faiths. Be unwilling—always—to “Go Along to Get Along” which is fueled by personal fear connected to the preventing of loss and/or the acquiring of perceived gain. The truth defeats all emotional momentum of lies. Never compromise against these Faithful truths. 

* Saint Pope John Paul II addresses this heretical thought process of solely the human mind in one’s conscience:
The action of the Spirit of truth, which works toward the salvific “convincing concerning sin,” encounters in a person in this condition an interior resistance, as it were an impenetrability of conscience, a state of mind which could be described as fixed by reason of a free choice. This is what Sacred Scripture usually calls “hardness of heart.”
In our own time this attitude of mind and heart is perhaps reflected in the loss of the sense of sin,…

**Saint Pope John Paul II continues with the pathway to salvation:
Those who let themselves be “convinced concerning sin” by the Holy Spirit, also allow themselves to be convinced “concerning righteousness and judgment.” In this righteousness the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father and the Son, who “convinces the world concerning sin,” reveals himself and makes himself present in man as the Spirit of eternal life.
Saint Pope John Paul II Encyclical, Dominum et Vivificantem

Lay hold of eternal life

We Must Never Give Up. We Must RISE UP.

Conscience Warriors™
Unite with the Holy Spirit in Truth

We must fully embrace the divine power of the Holy Spirit.
We must put out into deep waters for a catch.