“Creative” Conscience Defeats God’s Plan of Generations

What Defeats Victory over Evil? “Creative” Conscience

God, not man nor woman, leads the way to personal Salvation in the personal conscience. “Creative” conscience—as advocated by the Catholic Church’s current leadership with its publication of Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia—defeats victory over evil as the person is empowered with shaping “ideal” conscience to justify and accommodate “situation ethics” as he/she acts out their very own “self-style” of being a Christian.

God’s Plan of Generations Is Carried Out Deep in the Human Heart and
Supported by The Holy Spirit

God’s Plan of Generations—Holy Scripture’s understanding of sacred marriage & family as foundational—is powered by the Spirit of God’s counseling and prompting of the Faithful use of personal free will. To keep this soul-saving power viable and dependable, personal Uniting with the Holy Spirit in Truth is critically essential.
God’s Plan of Generations must be carried out deep in the human heart and supported by the Holy Spirit—in the personal conscience—faithfully advocating the successful union of freedom and truth. In the Evil Chapter of Saint Pope John Paul II’s Agenda for the Third Millennium (page 147), he reminds us that we must be:
“…inwardly strengthened to do exactly that ‘which the Spirit wills’. From this we can deduce that Paul’s words (Galatians 5:17) dealing with life ‘according to the flesh’ and ‘according to the spirit’
are at once a synthesis and a 
programme; and this is how we need to understand them.”

This “Creative” Conscience Construct Pushes Aside and Ignores God

Conscience Warriors must always know and understand that “creative” conscience helps defeat the Spirit of God in the interior act of the person, originating in the heart, which converts this interior act to an opposing exterior and fleshly act without God.*
“Creative” conscience, is a human construct for human gain and/or protection from loss. It is about producing an “ideal” conscience for powering “situation ethics” which helps push aside and ignore the God-filled union of freedom and truth that we all have access to—with our free will—at all times.

Access to the Divine—The Human Conscience United With The Holy Spirit in Truth

God the Father sent Jesus Christ to us on earth to demonstrate in the flesh the Salvation pathway and to die on the Cross for our sins. Jesus Christ on earth was perfectly, continuously, and simultaneously human and Divine. As our beloved Church teaches concerning Jesus’ Hypostatic Union with His two natures, He sent the Holy Spirit to all of mankind on Pentecost to be with us in our personal consciences and guide/prompt the full understanding of the synthesis and programme of personal Salvation.
The human conscience is God’s gift to each of us for Salvation. All of us here on earth have access to the Divine. All of us. All of the time. Come, Holy Spirit, come. 
But the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion: my persecutors
will stumble, they will not triumph. In their failure they
will be put to utter shame, to lasting, unforgettable confusion.
—Jeremiah 20:11

Conscience Warriors Are Needed NOW to Advocate The Union of Freedom and Truth

To faithfully help protect and keep functioning God’s Plan of Generations for all of mankind, Conscience Warriors™ are needed now to consistently advocate the union of freedom and truth. They are also needed to assist others—under attack—with winning against the organized and gravely evil act of abortion that leads to other deeply nefarious and gravely sinful activities listed below on the Immoral Slippery Slope. This evil attack is happening in education environments with children and young adults. It also includes personal abuse, intimidation, and brainwash—with gaslighting behavior—of all age groups including specific attacks upon masculinity including emasculation.
The notion that God in Three Persons—The Holy Trinity—is frequently wrong and riddled with continuous and connected mistakes, concerning God’s Plan of Generations, is an evil human construct powered by the lure of the satanic notion of utter independent freedom without any form of accountability including the Faithful concern for others. This utter selfishness, narcissism, and related arrogance include the intensely sought after radical “escape” from any Faith whatsoever and the related soul-emptying traps of Atheism and Satanism.

Radical Feminism, Abortion, and The Immoral Slippery Slope

The Immoral Slippery Slope begins with the gravely evil, gruesome, and “cancerous” act of Abortion, the legal killing of one’s own child of God in her womb or partially born. And yes…abortion has its roots in Radical Feminism: 
—; radical feminism analyzes patriarchal structures
for the purpose of liberating women from them.
—Encyclopedia of Catholicism
HarperCollins Publishers 1995–page 523
Concerning patriarchal structures, Radical Feminism promotes “relational autonomy” which competes with self-gift to the other, the root of fruitfulness in sacred marriage and family. Dr. David S. Schindler’s, Dean Emeritus, written comments on my Fall 2001 semester paper for his course, Liturgy, Nuptiality, Cosmos: The Meaning of Gender, JPI 621, as he further clarifies about “relational autonomy”:
“…in the end is not truly relational & overlooks asymmetry.”

Unfortunately, Radical Feminism is currently boosted in its acceptance and embrace around the world with “creative” conscience advocated by the current leadership of the Catholic Church in Rome.

What is needed in these challenging times is to help others avoid grave sin with the personal dedication to and disciplined practice of Truth, Purity of Heart, and Intellectual Integrity.
These disciplined practices were carried out daily with the awesome example of three Saints of immense Faith, totally dedicated to the saving of souls, as they lived on both sides of the fall of Rome and the Roman Empire and lived out dedication to Truth, Purity of Heart, and Intellectual Integrity.

Conscience Warriors UniteA Prayer for the Intercession of

Saint Jerome — Truth

Saint Anthony — Purity of Heart

Saint Augustine — Intellectual Integrity

is offered to all Conscience Warriors™ in their quest to help save fellow human beings from the massive grave evil of today:

Pray for us in our deep and arduous struggle to respond to a major heresy of our time—Radical Feminism. The core of Feminism has redefined female as essentially male, thereby collapsing femininity and motherhood with the remainder being a false definition and sense of masculinity. ** In your names, we pray for your Intercession for a return to the full embrace of God’s Plan of Generations. Amen

*Saint Pope John Paul II, Evil Chapter, “interior” and “exterior” act and his reference to St. Paul.
**This analysis per Dr. David S. Schindler’s Fall 2001 lectures for Liturgy, Nuptiality, Cosmos: The Meaning of Gender, JPI621.
Credit: Spiritual direction from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s use of “self-styled” Catholic, “situation ethics”, and related originated from his recent writings.
— Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.
Master of Theological Studies
Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
Pontifical John Paul II Institute
for Studies on Marriage and Family Catholic University of America
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