Critical & Urgent Wake Up Call to Catholics & All Christians

The Wokes Are Destroying The Nuclear Family that is
At The Heart of God’s Plan of Generations

The Wokes are not only conniving for the destruction of Christianity, they are gathering up as many “Go Along to Get Along” Catholics & Christians as they possibly can, as fast as they possibly can, to ensure that they have support from within to destroy the nuclear family at the heart of God’s Plan of Generations. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit on steroids.

Jesus knows what the Pharisees are thinking and He said to them:
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does notgather with me scatters.
Therefore, I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people,
but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven;

but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
— Matthew 12:30-32
The New American Bible 1986

God’s Plan of Generations commands faithful Catholics & all Christians to refuse to “Go Along to Get Along” with this continued moral decay and to reject and condemn the following grave mortal sins along with their collective slippery slope:

Life• Abortion: The intentional killing of an innocent human being in the womb or partially born;
• Infanticide: The intentional killing of a newly born innocent human being;
• Child Abuse: All forms of sexual, physical, emotional, and psychological abuse including clergy related;
• Critical Race Theory Indoctrination: Among many other evils — like brainwashing children to hate each other and our nation — the fraudulent promotion of systemic racism and the corrupt, very aggressive, and satanic attack on white Americans as a group;
Wokeism and its Cancel Culture: Includes all forms of all government controlled public “education” targeting children — before pre-school and through college — with the promotion and indoctrination of homosexuality and transgenderism.


The Freedom to Practice Our Christian Faith is Evaporating

This immoral slippery slope is also sliding rapidly toward the complete destruction of our Constitutional Republic that protects the freedom of religion and free speech. With the continued elimination in America of these God-given rights, the freedom to practice our Christian faith, in the public square, quickly evaporates.

Dr. Stanley Carlson-Thies, Senior Director and Founder of the Institutional
Religious Freedom Alliance, Latest News, (on point) 3/18/2021, para.11 writes

The problems will most likely arise from the administration’s firm devotion
to expanding reproductive rights and LGBTQ civil rights, without, it so far appears,
any significant protections for people and organizations whose religious beliefs
or claims of conscience propel them to be pro-life or devoted to traditional sexual ethics.


Obvious Questions:

As faithful followers, how can we adhere openly to His Commandments and Biblical teachings to help gain Salvation for ourselves and our families, with leadership by example, when Catholics & all Christians cannot freely practice their faith because —

1. They are publically punished for doing so, and, lose their jobs along with their livelihoods?

2. Children are subject to government controlled daycare along with mandatory and evil indoctrination through college instead of truthful and healthy education?

3. Children are severely abused verbally and physically before our eyes and can be taken away from our homes and totally raised by the government?

4. They are attacked by the main-stream media with its powerful alliance with and assistance to Wokeism and its cancel culture?

To avoid this gravely sinful, slippery slope of moral decay and be aware of the extreme Salvation dangers involved with a “Go Along to Get Along” personal paradigm, we must always be mindful of the following three paragraphs as we live life working toward Salvation.


This Gravely Immoral Slippery Slope Began with “No Room In The Womb” For God’s Children

1. This immoral slippery slope began with the gravely wrong notion of “No Room in the Womb” for a child of God. This anti-God’s Plan of Generations human construct, configured decades ago “out of thin air” by the U.S. Supreme Court, has unfortunately jump started wide-spread/rapidly growing tax-funded abortion, which helped jump start prolific child sexual abuse, which jump started America’s acceptance of the gay movement’s coming out of the closet, which jump started gay marriage, which jump started transgenderism, which jump started infanticide, which jump started false cultural division with the corrupt advocation of systemic racism, which jump started riots in the streets of many of America’s cities, which jump started Wokeism and its cancel culture, the prolific and aggressive advocacy of critical race theory; and, the explosive growth of atheism and satanism.

2. Unfortunately “No Room in the Womb” with its obvious connection to the “it’s my body and I’ll do with it as I please and choose” personal paradigm, carries over into corrupting lives. Blind obedience to humans helps make this possible. God is the pathway to Salvation, NOT man nor woman.

3. With Wokeism, there is not even room for a civil discussion of the issues of the day. Add to this the government’s current efforts to raise our children for us and the resulting dangerous disconnect with our beloved children becomes a severe, widespread reality.

All of this is counter to God’s Plan of Generations which begins with the sacred marriage of man & woman — as two become one.

Life is Not Just A Church Ministry — Life is Primordial, Of The First Order

Let’s always remember that Life is of the First Order; Life is Primordial™ and is a never ending and rich blessing — connected to God at conception — for Salvation.


We Must Remain Open To The Promptings of  The Holy Spirit

Our best resource for Salvation is to remain open to, listen to, and act upon the promptings of The Holy Spirit whom Jesus Christ sent on Pentecost to be with us at all times. With satan’s constant effort to influence us to split our consciences, worse yet, to develop branded/seared consciences—which is blasphemy that condemns souls—a faithful and healthy personal relationship with The Holy Spirit is essential for the full embrace of God’s Plan of Generations which includes our Salvation.

Of the First Order, Life is Primordial

— Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.
Master of Theological Studies
Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
Catholic University of America
Copyright © 2020-2021 Anthony R. Souza. All rights reserved.