False Cross Indoctrination of Our Children

Our Innocent and Precious CHILDREN Are Now Saturated With All of the Gravely Evil Works of the Money Changers

The most vulnerable—downwind of authority and power—are also the most innocent. OUR CHILDREN. Our precious children are currently subject to an immense and accelerated effort to prove that God is wrong which is represented fundamentally by the Immoral Slippery Slope. In addition, the current and gravely evil FALSE CROSS INDOCTRINATION energy for the complete elimination of God from our schools, our churches, and our Constitutional Republic has been activated. All of this immorality is supported and promoted by several, nefarious human constructs supported by many of the powerful.

Jesus issues a stern warning to his disciples:
Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck
and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Woe to the world because of things that cause sin!
Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come!
— Matthew 18:6-7
The New American Bible 1986
At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said,
“Amen I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
— Matthew 18:1-3
The New American Bible 1986

What Are Some of the Nefarious Human Constructs?

1. Leadership of the Roman Catholic Church’s current and full embrace of the LGBTQ+ communities’ immoral acts, supported by Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia’s promotion of the “creative to the ideal” personal conscience.
Amoris Laetitia (19 March 2016) is all about “the ideal” (in other words, “solely man-made”) conscience. Officially, it makes it easier for Catholics to adopt and carryout a “Go Along to Get Along” personal paradigm. All of this is powered by Split-Conscience™. All of this is fueled by personal fear connected to the preventing of personal loss and/or the acquiring of perceived gain in living out their lives irrespective of God’s will! In other words—according to the Vatican—Catholics can now be “self-styled” and enjoy “situation ethics” as to the demands of Sacred Scripture and centuries of officially published Catholic Social Teachings.
2. Radical Feminism now with more unfaithful human behavior and twisted human logic including the evils of Transgenderism, Critical Gender Theory, and Gender Dysphoria. This is driven to rapid growth by a Woke “grooming” of our innocent and vulnerable children.
3. Wokeism and its Critical Race Theory promoting divisive and racist Marxism and its elimination of freedom and related liberties. 

Only the beginning; unfortunately, there are many more of these evil human constructs active in current times. Along with 1. to 3. above, they also include the devil’s work of gaslighting and virtue signaling.

How is Truth Covered Up by the Money Changers?

Money changers cover up the truth with EMBEDDED LIES and FALSE CROSS INDOCTRINATION which are inculcated and sustained by Split and Branded/Seared Consciences. Unfortunately, these False Cross embedded lies are being championed and taught by some people who call themselves Catholics and Christians. Here are only a few examples of lies embedded in the justification of Abortion and Infanticide which have and continue to follow Radical Feminism on the Immoral Slippery Slope:

Check Out This List Of Lies…which only address a fraction of the Immoral Slippery Slope:

Lie #1. Abortion and infanticide must continue because of the “good” that mothers choose for their bodies, themselves, and their children.
Lie #2. Conversion and repentance for persons involved are not necessary since abortion and infanticide must continue.
Lie #3. Government funds to the Catholic and Christian Church’s money coffers, direct or indirect, must continue because they are not part—in any way whatsoever—of abortion and infanticide’s gravely immoral acts of the taking of innocent human lives.
Lie #4. Aiding and abetting—in any way, direct or indirect— abortion and infanticide have no negative effect on one’s Salvation. Why? Collectively they are only one single issue in the political arena and its voting privilege.
Lie #5. The “legality and personal liberation” of abortion and infanticide are not connected in any way whatsoever to the faith and devotion of Catholics and all Christians in their “self-styled” practices.
For the love of money is the root of all evils,
and some people in their desire for it have strayed
from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.
—1 Timothy 6:10
The New American Bible 1986

The Money Changers Drive All of this Anti-God Activity

The unconscionable right to kill children—at frivolous human will— in the womb and the newly born is not good enough for the money changers driving this grave evil. So, what do they do now that children are subject to? They drive the additional grave evils of Wokeism and its Critical Race and Gender Theories, Cancel Culture, and Marxism. All of these human constructs are based upon evil intent and practice of which histories of failure are widely known around the world.
None of this gravely evil and continuing, over time, downhill anti-moral activity would be taking place if money did not exist.
Therefore, and obviously, money changers are the driver of all of this anti-God activity to destroy:

• Our Faith • Our Families • Our Homes • Our Churches • Our Communities
• Our Constitutional Republic • Our World

Unite with the Holy Spirit in TruthAs Conscience Warriors™ aligned with our almighty God, we must all rise up, join together, and embrace the power of the living example of Jesus Christ-—while being guided to Salvation by our Counselor, the Holy Spirit—and protect our precious, innocent children from all these grave evils that destroy souls.

We Must Unite with the Holy Spirit in Truth!

Holy Spirit Symbol

But you, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness,

devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.
Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life…
— 1 Timothy 6:11-12
The New American Bible 1986

Of the First Order, Life is PrimordialLIfe is Primordial
— Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.
Master of Theological Studies, Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Catholic University of America

Copyright © 2020-2022 Anthony R. Souza. All rights reserved.

Credit: Spiritual direction from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s use of “self-styled” Catholic, “situation ethics”, and related originated from his recent writings.