Pro-Choice Equals “Sole Proprietorships” of Conscience

“It is my body and I will do with it as I choose.” Surely, an anti-life declaratory sentence that we have all heard many times even from Catholics & Christians.

Since the Roe v. Wade “abortion is good” Supreme Court case decades ago, this anti-life statement seems to rule the laws of our nation, for many citizens, concerning the value of life. With this anti-life travesty at the core of the enforcement of our national laws, is it any wonder that conscience—embedded in our bodies—would fall to the same prey of absolute, “personally justified” individual choice which supersedes and forecloses the commandments of God?

Who is the “King” of Conscience?

Conscience is the inner sanctum where we wrestle with life’s challenges; however, the “King” of each of our individual consciences is not us as persons.

The “King” is God our Creator in His third person, the Holy Spirit, as sent to us by His son, Jesus Christ. Consciences are NOT “sole proprietorships” where we are in sole, total control only subject to the laws of the land.

To be devout Catholic and Christians, we must work to remain in compliance with the teachings of God’s commandments and Biblical Scripture; first, by being open to and listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit — the “King” of our consciences.

When Are We Pre-Empting The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit was sent to prompt us away from sin with its many generators. However, when a top personal priority is simply and solely a “Go Along to Get Along” paradigm with another person or entity of any kind—irrespective of anything else including God’s will—the Holy Spirit is pre-empted and therefore silenced by “choice” of the person.

Apostle Matthew writes that Jesus knows what the Pharisees are
thinking and He said to them:

Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Therefore, I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
— Matthew 12:30-32

The New American Bible 1986

Guided by The Holy Spirit

With our consciences influenced and guided by the Holy Spirit, we protect ourselves from building a branded/seared conscience which cuts off God’s mercy.

We must have our Creator God home with us as “King” of our consciences to ensure our access to God’s mercy which lifts us up for salvation. This demands an open conscience to the workings of the Holy Spirit!

Let us remember…a “personal choice conscience” solely managed by foreclosing God, rejects the blessings of God’s Plan of Generations and rejects God.

The Road Away From Hypocrisy

To avoid a branded/seared conscience and hypocrisy, which begins with a split-conscience (generated by splitting one’s words and actions), we must allow God to prompt and guide us to avoid sin by realizing and embracing that our bodies, our consciences, are not our sole and absolute possessions. Engaging with the Holy Spirit —as God provided for each of us—we become God’s individual temples in His image and likeness which assist us with personal Salvation and have a positive and conversion influence on others when acted out in sincere and prayerful belief.

— Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.
Master of Theological Studies, Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, Catholic University of America

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