The Divine & Awesome Power of Pentecost

Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.

In my lifetime, I believe there has been and currently is a general reluctance concerning any private or public discussion of one’s personal conscience. This reluctance has always puzzled me.

Why? It seems that the more we understand about the origin, God-connectedness, and human-Divine dynamic of the personal conscience, the more Faithful assistance we have with the forming and sustaining of our personal Salvation pathway. 

Do you wonder about this general reluctance? If so, you may already be a Conscience Warrior™. 

Conscience Warriors HandbookYour Faithful Companion Handbook is biblically based and provides ease of use and quick access to Sacred Scripture and Saint Pope John Paul II’s Faithful Catholic Social Teaching. All of the references are the critical foundation and emphasis to assist Conscience Warriors to work tirelessly and unceasingly to navigate a Salvation pathway that is United With The Holy Spirit in Truth.

I am eternally grateful for the Blessed and Faithful gift of the Holy Spirit sent to all of mankind by Jesus Christ on Pentecost. May the good Lord bless us all as prayerful and peaceful Conscience Warriors.

—Anthony R. Souza, M.T.S.
Master of Theological Studies, Pontifical Lateran University in Rome
John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, at the Catholic University of America